Our founding story


In the wake of the murder of George Floyd, discussion began to sprout up amongst our friends about an increasing desire to take action and to stand up against the racial injustice and systemic oppression ingrained within our society. As young professionals working across many industries, we began to brainstorm how we could best use our skills and energy to create meaningful change within our communities. Born out of this desire to take action, we created Impact 6 with the goal of producing such change through youth mentorship and community service.

The 6 in our name was inspired from the mentorship program 6 Cups to College, which we have seen produce meaningful impact through just 6 meetings between mentors and mentees. With our network of young professionals from various backgrounds, we are building the infrastructure needed to foster relationships within our communities that can provide a path forward for those of us that tend to get left behind. 

Our primary mission is to provide education and mentorship to the youth in our communities who most need it, and we aim to equip our students and future leaders with the soft skills, tools, and relationships needed to excel in their passions. We also wish to inspire others to impact their community in whatever way they can because we know that any positive action is infinitely better than inaction. 

Impact 6 wants to invest back in their communities to help change how African-American people are viewed in society, and we want to create a strong community of partnerships that can uplift and empower individuals. We understand the importance of taking the resources and opportunities we have as a group of professionals, and reinvesting those back into under-resourced communities.

Impact 6 is a community of our peers currently located in San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, Austin and Miami working to create change. We are motivated and determined to not squander the opportunities we have in front of us. Our goal is to expand our reach to the entire nation, but we recognize that that is a journey that starts with spending the time and energy one day at a time to be a positive influence. Impact 6 is not a trend, it is movement, and as we continue to work we will attract more like-minded individuals who want to take substantive action to make the world a better place. 

Interested in joining our community of peers? Send us an email at info@impact6.org.  Let’s get better together!